How to download WhatsApp contacts on your PC

WhatsApp+Andriod+PC_thumb[1]With the arrival of the new version of the instant messaging WhatsApp Web, the one you can use on your PC, here comes the new guides that might help newbies to orientate in this new world, and especially to use this program in an easier and more direct way. Within this article we will see how to export contacts from WhatsApp on your PC, so you can have all the address book at your disposal even on the computer.
Whoever is recently using this program will know that currently WhatsApp Web is only compatible with Google Chrome, but that soon the program will be updated in order to be used on other types of browsers.

How to download WhatsApp contacts on your PC
Many have thought that this new version of WhatsApp for PC is not anything new, maybe the competition was offering this service long before (just look Telegram), but this discussion could easily be ended looking at the number of users currently using WhatsApp as a communication platform; this, in fact, is the messaging application most used in the world today, and among other things, was also purchased by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.
Now the functions of WhatsApp Web are pretty few and poor, but through some guidelines you can use additional functions that are not yet integrated into the current version of the program: in this case let’s see how to download to your computer WhatsApp using your contact numbers (which using the cell is a rather obvious and easy thing to do), but using a PC could be quite complicated for the beginners.
Let’s see how you can actually see inside WhatsApp Web the contacts numbers that use the app to post without necessarily having to resort to open a new conversation via mobile phone and then continue to talk to the computer.

In this section you will find all the basic steps to add the function we’re talking about within the program

  1. First, make sure that WhatsApp Web is active on your Google Chrome.
  2. Through the browser settings you need to have the bookmarks bar always visible at the top of the page, or you can do it using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B.
  3. Now that you have your bookmarks bar, you have to go on this site. LINK
  4. After opening it, you have to go at the bottom, where you can find a green button that says WhatsApp Contacts.
  5. Hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the bookmarks bar that is located at the top of the browser, in this way it will be added to the list.
  6. Now let’s connect to WhatsApp Web using the appropriate web page and let’s enter by scanning the QR code.
  7. After logging in, press the button in the bookmarks bar and press “OK”.
  8. Now, in this new page, you will find all the phone numbers contained in your address book on WhatsApp, with photos and names.
  9. You may find it easier not to log back to this page everytime, so you can save it in a PDF format by going into Settings of your Google Chrome browser and then pressing Print, and, in the window that will open, pressing one last time Save as PDF.
  10. Now you will always have available all the WhatsApp numbers contained in your address book also in WhatsApp Web.

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