WhatsApp adds some new features to its Web client

whatsapp web aggiornamentiAs you surely know, now WhatsApp allows you to send messages directly from your PC through an internet browser. This service is called WhatsApp Web, and it uses the web client of WhatsApp.

Maybe you have already noticed that during the past few days WhatsApp Web has introduced some significant improvements. Thanks to these enhancements now the PC version of this popular instant messaging application is a little bit more similar to the apps designed for mobile devices. So, let’s have a look to these changes.

Your profile
Well, this is really a good news. With these changes your profile photo and status are now editable. In fact it has been added the possibility to change or insert the profile picture; furthermore you can change your profile status.

Probably you, as most of its users, use WhatsApp (and WhatsApp Web) mostly to chat with your friends and family. Now, one of the new options will allow you to delete an unwanted chat conversation.  Or, when you need it, it is also possible to archive a chat conversation. If  you want, there are also options that enable you to archive, mute and leave a group chat.

Chat Screen
Also the chat screen has been modified and new functions have been introduced. When you open the chat screen you will find that a red button has been added. This addition will allow you to delete a chat or exit from a group.

Thanks to these changes, now WhatsApp Web is certainly even more convenient to use, and certainly works better than the previous versions. All of these new features are already available on WhatsApp, and the users of the app will not have to do anything. It will be the app itself to take care of the updates from its server.