Whatsapp Alternatives for Android (Whatsapp+ Plus & WhatsappMD) – What’s going on?

The axe of Whatsapp on alternative clientIt happens sometimes that applications of great success, tend to ignore the specific needs of their users and not to optimize their specs based on their users need. To overcome these problems some developers changes the original app and try to improve.

The same thing happened to Whatsapp, the famous instant messaging application, for some time now owned by Facebook Inc. The acquisition of this app generated many controversies and ironies, especially since Facebook was not very well seen in the field because of Android and his lack of care towards this social app for the Google OS (the situation really changed in the last few months). The fact is that even for Whatsapp, despite changes and improvements like Whatsapp Web and VoIP calls, new and better apps emerged: the most famous of them are Whatsapp + and WhatsappMD.

Both are dedicated to enhance the look. Especially WhatsappMD engages the enterprise users, to bring the service in a Material Design style (that is a redesigned new version of Android) counting on the fact that the app owner used the same graphics for a while.
A few weeks ago, those who used one of these apps, have been banned from the service for a few hours and were urged to abandon third-party app and download the original.

Today, the creator of WhatsappMD let us know that the lawyers of Whatsapp-Facebook have ordered him through a cease and desist to withdraw the application and a few days after they have blocked his Facebook account and Instagram (another application owned by Facebook). The developer replied to the lawyers that he would stop developing the application only if its accounts were restored, but received no acknowledgement.

The axe of Zuckerberg on WhatsApp that many feared is arriving. And quite arguable is the company’s position, a company that gains million dollar from two clients primarily used by Android-fan. Even more questionable at a time when open source is increasingly becoming an important part of the market. In this way, for a mere commercial motivation, the relationship with their users who just claim quality upgrades for the app could create a confrontation.

However (unfortunately), the law is by the side of the giant of the web and we can not help… but think: perhaps a company of such importance should invest a little more time on research rather than chasing little witches who always remain small.

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