Whatsapp for Vita PLAYSTATION

Whatsapp for Vita playstationRunning Whatsapp for the PlayStation Vita

Whatsapp isn’t available for the PlayStation Vita platform. That means it’s not possible to install the app using the official channels. While there is a way around this, it’s not recommended for most users of the Sony gaming platform. Some people might be more adventurous than others and opt to give it a test drive.

The official Whatsapp software is available for devices running the Google Android platform, and there is a workaround that allows users to run Android apps on their PS Vita. However, this workaround involves a hack that could potentially damage an otherwise functional Vita.

The hack might constitute a violation of Sony’s terms of service document, and whether it does or not depends on where the user is located in the world. Users who opt to use Whatsapp in this manner might also end up loosing their usual Vita store privileges and could void their warranty. Those who are truly interested in giving it a try might want to follow these instructions and see what happens:

1) There are a number of Android PS Vita packages available. Users who really want to attempt this in spite of the warnings are encouraged to locate one from a trustworthy site. Keep in mind that Android is essentially open source software, so the core can be changed to fit needs at any given time. Independent software developers have been able to put together packages that are compatible with the microchips used in the Vita.

2) Assuming that the Android distribution came as an archive, extract it to a folder on a desktop or laptop computer.

3) Locate the documentation file for further assistance. This file is distributed as a PDF or TXT document in the archive. If the archive didn’t come with a file like this then it should be considered dangerous and removed immediately.

4) Follow the instructions given in the documentation, which tend to differ based on the specific Vita Android distribution. In general the files get transferred over to the Vita in whole, after which the user then reboots the device one or more times. This causes the new operating system to take over the device. Some newer versions of Vita Android distributions may install themselves as an app that can be accessed from the home screen. Once Android is running, however, the PS Vita will still have to be rebooted.
5) The regular Whatsapp Android app can be downloaded once the device is running in Android mode. This can usually be done with the included apps store or web browser. Note that once the PS Vita is running this mode the touch screen is generally the only valid method of input.

Sony often releases firmware updates for the PlayStation Vita, and these updates might lock users out of this type of hack. That’s why this shouldn’t be looked at as a permanent fix. Developers are unlikely to release an official app any time soon, though, so it might be the only option most users have.

See also:

WhatsApp: 15 useful tricks you may not know.

WhatsApp  useful tricks you may not know15 things you probably not know about WhatsApp. How to mute chat, hide photo profile, Backup message, Multiple messages.

1. Back up messages. WhatsApp makes automatic backups of conversations, but it might be safer that you run it manually. You wish to keep track of your conversations or prefer to delete them as soon as possible? On iOS just go to Settings> Chat> Chat Backup. On Android, you must go to Settings> Chat Settings to find the backup option. In the same position you can choose to backup the chat automatically selecting Off, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Subsequently connecting the Android smartphone to the PC, you can transfer media files, Videos, Photos, Pictures, Voice messages following the path sdcard/WhatsApp/Media

2. Your profile photo. you can manage the visibility of your profile photo, going to Settings> Account> Privacy> profile photo: at this point you can select “Everyone”, “My Contacts”, “Nobody”.

3. Hiding Last Login. If  you prefer to hide your last access go to Account> Privacy> last access (or Last Senn). You can choose to make it visible to all, only to your contacts, or to nobody. Now you can select “Everyone”, “My Contacts”, “Nobody”. But pay attention, choosing not to share the last access with others, it’s possible you don’t see even that of your users.

4. Creating Links To Important Contacts. If you usually chat with a group or a particular person, you might decide to make it easier inserting all of shortcuts on the home, so to find them immediately. On Android, just long press on the group or user name that you want to create a link, then choose “create shortcut“. On iOS, you can do it only relying on an application but 1TapWA plays more or less the same functionality.

5. Multiple messages. Using the function List Broadcast you can send a message to multiple people without multiple activate a group chat, Chat-> Lists broadcast-> New List-> Select the names-select creation> Compose your message. In this way, you can send a chat with multiple partners, without letting the other members of the list know. Even the responses of others will not be viewed by those in the list, but only by those who sent the message. Only those having the sender’s number in the phone book will be able to receive messages.

6. Show media files individual contacts. Click on the conversation of the specific contact, click on its name at the top, then click Show All Media, in this way you can display only files exchanged with the user in question.

7. Share the chat. It is also possible to send the chat of a specific contact via email including the attachments or not. Again go to the user name at the top right of the chat, and choose the bottom option: “Send email conversation”. Choose if you want to include or not the attachments and insert the email to which you want to send it.

8. Change number. If you have changed your phone number, but still have the same smartphone, you do not need to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. There is a setting which allows you to migrate the account to a different phone number. In Whatsapp, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Change number. and follow the steps on the screen.

9. WhatsApp activating users icons on the Home. One of the best utility of Facebook Messenger is the possibility to have Chat Heads. It’s simply circles with the faces of our friends that give access to chat with them. Using WhatsApp Chat Heads you can obtain the same effect. This app also lets you customize the color of the led, notification sounds and colors of dots per contact. Su Ios you can have the same effect only after you run the jailbreak. Dashdow WhatsApp -Dashdow WhatsApp Plus

10. User Block. You can block someone from the user menu directly from the user’s chat, or through the settings (always account> privacy). From there you can not only view those already blocked, but also add new ones.

11. Notifications. Notifications can differ depending on the operating system. From the menu settings> notifications, you can choose to mute handle notifications of any advice received from the app. To silence the group chat click on the name of the conversation, and then keep it dormant for a maximum of 12 months.

12. Statistics use Whatsapp On Android. Downloading from the store WhatStat you will know all the statistics on how it is used WhatsApp on mobile.

13. Prevent the automatic downloading of images or video. Go to Settings -> Chat Settings -> save media received. You can then enable or disable the automatic saving of files received

14. Synchronizing contacts’ photos with those of Whatsapp. Through the application WhatsApp Contacts Photo Sync it is possible, on an Android phone, to synchronize contact photos with those used for Whatsapp. You will have to manually synchronize every single contact.

15. Creating fake conversations on Android. Yazzi. Enjoy to tease your friends. Yazzy is the perfect application to make jokes! With yazzy you can easily create invented conversations but identical to the originals.

See also:

Whatsapp for Windows VISTA


Whatsapp is becoming one of the most used messaging apps either by pc or phone. It’s so easy to use too. Let’s say that you have decided to join the 700 million people who are already using the app. You want to make messaging less difficult. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do This includes both guides of pc or by phone. Either way you look at it, you’ll be covered.


First off all, you need to get this, if you haven’t already done so. Just go into the YouWave windows application site and download it . Once you have finished, double click the mouse. The file should open up to an installation file key. Click on this one. You should see the Whatsapp APK file. Once you do, click on the download button. Once this is all done the whatsapp app should be on your pc.

If you want to check, open up the YouWave files. Scroll down until you see the whatsapp app and click on it. It should open up for you. Accept the terms and conditions, as you normally would. It’s going to ask you for your number. They ask for your phone number just for verification purposes. If you see a “fail” message, this is normal. Click on the icon that says “call me.” Your phone will ring and tell you a verification code. You need to write this down. Type in the code you just wrote down and you are done. You can now use whatsapp on your pc.


It’s relatively the same steps. Click on the installation icon for YouWave and begin the download. Once complete, focus on downloading the app and messenger icons. Once you are done you can start adding contacts. Go into your menu and click on “add new contact.” Enter in the name and number and you are set. Initially, it did work on the BlueStacks site, but not anymore. Want the same results, you’ll need to use YouWave now.



Now you can use this site too, for downloading onto your pc and phone. First thing you’ll need to do is create an account. Create a username and password. Sorry guys. You will have to do this if you want to use the wassapp site to install whatsapp. You’ll also need to provide your phone number and password for this registration.

Are you using an Android phone? Not a big deal. Se the IMEi number. This is found on the back, near the battery. You can also type in “*#06#” Verify how you want to be notified. You can do this by phone number or by SMS. If you prefer a number, you will get a computer-generated code. If you want SMS, you will get it through wassapp personally. Use the code for the client file. Once you do this you will get a password. After that it’s smooth sailing. You can now use whatsapp.

See also:

How to download WhatsApp contacts on your PC

WhatsApp+Andriod+PC_thumb[1]With the arrival of the new version of the instant messaging WhatsApp Web, the one you can use on your PC, here comes the new guides that might help newbies to orientate in this new world, and especially to use this program in an easier and more direct way. Within this article we will see how to export contacts from WhatsApp on your PC, so you can have all the address book at your disposal even on the computer.
Whoever is recently using this program will know that currently WhatsApp Web is only compatible with Google Chrome, but that soon the program will be updated in order to be used on other types of browsers.

How to download WhatsApp contacts on your PC
Many have thought that this new version of WhatsApp for PC is not anything new, maybe the competition was offering this service long before (just look Telegram), but this discussion could easily be ended looking at the number of users currently using WhatsApp as a communication platform; this, in fact, is the messaging application most used in the world today, and among other things, was also purchased by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.
Now the functions of WhatsApp Web are pretty few and poor, but through some guidelines you can use additional functions that are not yet integrated into the current version of the program: in this case let’s see how to download to your computer WhatsApp using your contact numbers (which using the cell is a rather obvious and easy thing to do), but using a PC could be quite complicated for the beginners.
Let’s see how you can actually see inside WhatsApp Web the contacts numbers that use the app to post without necessarily having to resort to open a new conversation via mobile phone and then continue to talk to the computer.

In this section you will find all the basic steps to add the function we’re talking about within the program

  1. First, make sure that WhatsApp Web is active on your Google Chrome.
  2. Through the browser settings you need to have the bookmarks bar always visible at the top of the page, or you can do it using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B.
  3. Now that you have your bookmarks bar, you have to go on this site. LINK
  4. After opening it, you have to go at the bottom, where you can find a green button that says WhatsApp Contacts.
  5. Hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the bookmarks bar that is located at the top of the browser, in this way it will be added to the list.
  6. Now let’s connect to WhatsApp Web using the appropriate web page and let’s enter by scanning the QR code.
  7. After logging in, press the button in the bookmarks bar and press “OK”.
  8. Now, in this new page, you will find all the phone numbers contained in your address book on WhatsApp, with photos and names.
  9. You may find it easier not to log back to this page everytime, so you can save it in a PDF format by going into Settings of your Google Chrome browser and then pressing Print, and, in the window that will open, pressing one last time Save as PDF.
  10. Now you will always have available all the WhatsApp numbers contained in your address book also in WhatsApp Web.

See also:

Whatsapp for UBUNTU Phone and Touch

whatsapp for ubuntu phone and touchIn order to install the Whatsapp for Ubuntu phone (i.e. the Ubuntu Touch) there are some things that have to be done first. Administrative rights need to be obtained first. Then there are commands that need to be typed.
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These commands are Sudo apt-get install python python-dateutil python-argparse.

These need to be typed into the command shell. Then, find the main program in order to get to the WhatsApp.

Next type the following into your command shell without the parentheses
Wget https://github.com/tgalal/yosup/archive/master.zip

Once the program has been downloaded go to the directory to unzip the file. But there will need to be a file downloaded to unzip it if you do not have one already.
In order to get the unzip file type sudo apt-get install unzip, in the command shell.

Once this is done the master zip file can be unzipped.
Change to the working directory by typing cd yowsup-master/src. When you get there rename the configuration file by typing ‘config.example yowsup-cli.config in your command shell. You must edit the config file by typing gedit yowsup-cli.config into your command line interface.

Step two is installing the Whatsapp. To do this you must edit your config file by going to the editor. Find the part that says phone=xxxxxxxxxx. Enter your own phone number with country code. Save the file and exit Gedit.

Next change the permissions of your config file by typing the words sudo chmod+x yowsup-cli. This allows user account permissions to run the file. Run the yowsup by putting. Yowsup-sli-requestcode sms-config yowsup –cli.config.
The code will look like “XXX-XXX save all the information that was outputted.

Go to the tools and double click on the file named Android. This will enable the running of the application. A window with several files will pop up. When you click on the tools, the Android 2.3.3, and a button with the words Install Package will be seen.
Then click on the words accept all and install. Then wait a few minutes for this to install.
After this has installed go to the menu tools and choose the Manage AVD’s. Then choose Create AVD and OK.

After doing that you need to return to the AVD’s selection window and choose Android 2.3 and start. When you click on the launch button the default setting will be started. This should start the emulation and allow searching of the application. Whatsapp for Ubuntu.

ubuntu touchOnce this app is seen in the app menu, it is setup and ready to use.
This will enable communication with other friends and family no matter what OS platforms they are using. But also all of the updates from the developers need to be installed when they are available and there is a reminder to do so.

However, before doing this you need to read the other items where after installation some reviews written tell of having difficulty using this item.
For this author, there are a few findings. But not enough words to list them or how to solve them.

See also:

Whatsapp for UBUNTU 10.04 – 12.04 – 14.04 – free download

Whatsapp for ubuntu 10.04 - 12.04 - 14.04Finally the most awaited application for Ubuntu users is developed and ready for Ubuntu users.

The developers have focused on keeping the User interface very similar to what you see on your mobile phones and yet in the back ground worked on smooth integration and bug free implementation.

One can choose from a variety of methods to use Whatsapp in Ubuntu.

Well, you will find installing WhatsApp on Ubuntu is a little different from installing it in Windows operating system. First you need to install the Android emulator.

That is as simple as searching in Google and downloading it. Now that it has been done you have to make a copy of it in the home folder and Unzip it.

Once that has been done just open the folder Android-sdk-linux and then on tools. After that double click on the file named Android to run the application. You will see a window with several files will be seen. Just click on tools and then Android 2.3.3 and then you will see a button with the caption “Install Package”.

Click on “Accept All” and click on “Install”. All you need to do is just wait for a few minutes for the process to be completed. Then go to menu “Tools” and select the option “Manage AVD’s”. Click on “New” and fill in the required information. After that just click on “Create AVD”, click “OK” and then return to the AVD’s selection window and select “Android 2.3” and click “Start”.

Click on “Launch” and the default setting will be implemented. This will set up the emulation and we can search the application “Whatsapp for Ubuntu” using the search icon. Just follow the easy instructions on the screen to setup the app. Congratulation; you will soon see the WhatsApp icon for Ubuntu in the apps menu. Its all setup and ready to use.

So, get connected to your friends and family. Thanks to the developers of the application you can now communicate with others across the other OS platforms. All you need to do now is to make sure that any updates from the developers be installed when available and prompted for.

See also:

Whatsapp for UBISLATE 7c and 7cz

Whatsapp for ubislate 7c and 7czWith the WhatsApp being available on so many different platforms and devices, it’s hard to keep track of the differences and the issues that can occur after downloading and launching the app.

While WhatsApp is wildly popular for mobile devices and smart phones, that’s not all it’s capable of, either. WhatsApp is also available for Tablets, with all the same features as the other platforms and devices. To make sure that the app runs correctly on your tablet, you need to have either 3G or WiFi if available to be able to message, send pictures and videos and get in contact with your family and friends.

The Ubislate is one of the cheapest tablet you can buy today on the market. It’s made of matte black plastic, size of 4.8 by 7 by by 0.4 inches (HWD) and weight of only 11 ounces an old memory card slot (TransFlash) a sealed battery and a small speaker on the back. All for about $38. But what Whatsapp?

Can you download and install it on your Ubislate tablet? Well, everything depend on what Android OS version is installed on your Ubislate Tablet. If your Tablet has the most recent Android 4.4 (Kit-kat) then follow this quick tutorial and that’s it. But what if you have an older version like for example for the Ubislate 7c and 7cz ? Well again it depends on what’s your latest Android update: if you have Android 2.3 Os or above the procedure is very simple: just open your browser, go to the Google Play store and download & install Whatsapp. But if you have an Ubislate tablet with Android 2.2 or 2.3.6 then things can get a bit tougher and you have to follow this tutorial. If you still have problems, the last option is to manually download and install the Whatsapp APK file as explained here, install the latest beta version or watching the following video tutorial.

N.b. Whether you are a new user to the app or not, there’s a chance you’re going to run into some problems while installing Whatsapp on your Ubislate tablet. Sometimes it can be just a simple glitch, and others it will require some action on your part – but most will have a simple fix. For example, if you’re having trouble sending messages from your device, you’ll be receiving a “Sending Failed: Error” message that is most likely to pop up on your screen. If you are for sure using 3G or WiFi while the app is in use, here are some simple steps that you can take to get your app back up and running!

  • Click out of the app and go back to home screen of your tablet
  • Once there, go to the settings app
  • Go to reset settings option and click ‘rest all settings’ in your tablet
  • After this, restart your tablet
  • Go to network settings and update your internet settings
  • Open Google Play store
  • Re-install the WhatsApp application into your device
  • Once installed, open it and enter your information

It may or may not require you to re-download the app after resetting and restart your Tablet. If it still does, try restarting from step n. 3 above.

See also: