How to find out if someone has blocked you on Whatsapp

How to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsappWhatsApp is used by millions of people and pretty much anyone with a smartphone has it and uses it daily. In this guide we are going to see how to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp and no longer receives your messages. If you suspect that someone has blocked the receipt of your messages on WhatsApp, in this guide you will find some signs that can confirm or deny your suspicions.
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First of all check your ‘Last Access’ indicator. If someone has blocked you, you would not be able to view the indicators relating to his ‘Last access’ or its status ‘Online’ in the chat window. Then, look if there are two checkmarks. When you send a message to this contact, it displays one checkmark (message has been sent to server) but never the second one (message has been delivered to the recipient’s phone). Now check if the profile contains any changes. You will be able to understand that the person has made changes to his own profile (name or profile picture), but you may not be able to view them. For you, the profile of this person will never change. At this point you have to interpret all these signals. Should there be more than one of these clues, the person in question could have blocked you, preventing you to send him messages on WathsApp.

WhatsApp intentionally makes it difficult to find out if someone has blocked you or not, because it would be a violation of others privacy.  There may be another way to find out if a person has blocked you on WhatsApp. It exploits the possibility to create groups or “multichat” on WhatsApp.  All this can be done simply starting WhatsApp on smartphones and works for iOS, Android or Windows Phone.

Click on an existing group conversation, for example “test”. You’ll have to be the administrator of the group. Enter in the group conversation and touch the object name to view information about the group. Try to add as a participant the friend that you think has locked you on WhatsApp. You will immediately get an error message that says “Adding failed. Touch to try again” and a red  exclamation mark. Now you can be sure that your friend has blocked you on WhatsApp. The problem is that this friend could see that you added him into a fake group (or that you added and then removed him from the group) and could obviously be suspicious, so be careful not to create any unpleasant situation. However, in case your friend has effectively blocked you, there won’t be any kind of notification or message, and you will know, however, that you have been blocked!

Note that if you block someone you will not be removed from his contact list and he will not be removed from yours. The only way to remove these people from your WhatsApp contacts is to delete them from the address book of your phone. Remember that the person who blocked you will still be able to see your status updates.

Whatsapp vs Skype, Who will Win?

Whatsapp vs SkypeWhatsapp is taking on the messaging app market by storm. This app is position to become one of the biggest communication tools across the Internet.

The currently provide a robust instant messaging capabilities along with photo sharing and short audio messaging. They will soon be adding regular voice communications as well. Once they accomplish this, will all other sharing apps be obsolete?

As far as accessibility, Whatsapp is officially only available on a mobile phone. There are some functionality on your PC if you are using Chrome. Skype, however, works great on both phones as well as Windows, Mac and Linux. Score one for Skype. Until now, Vonage has been one of Skype’s biggest competitors.

For voice communications, Skype wins out as it provides telephone quality VOIP calls. At the moment Whatsapp currently only provides short audio service. In the near future, Whatsapp plans to provide a much more robust voice communication platform, thus becoming a serious threat to both Skype and Google Voice. The fact that Whatsapp has one of the largest and fastest growing users-base will make them a powerhouse in instant and voice communications.

While Whatsapp does not publisize the cost of app to landline calls, they would most likely be rather cost effective. It is speculated that once they provide a voice service that app to app calls will be free. Shype already provides free app to app calls across all platforms. This gives Skype an advantage over Whatsapp.

With decent network speeds, voice calls over the Internet often times exceed that of regular cellular calls. If your device that is running Whatsapp is connected via Wireless Intnet you can expect decent call quality. Skype has cornered the market in VOIP connections. They have perfected their software and servers to take advantage of the available bandwidth.

Whatsapp, still a relative new comer in the instant messaging arena, is looking forward to becoming one of the biggest messaging apps on the market. They are quickly gaining market share with a strong user-base. Whatsapp is taking on the giants in this genre such as Facebook, Google Chat and Twitter. In fact, Whatsapp is such a threat to Facebook that Mark Zuckerburg bought them out for $19 billion. When combined with Facebook, Whatsapp will have no problem taking on Skype.

Whatsapp has over 465 million users, and this number continues to climb day by day. When Whatsapp does implement VOIP, they could become a VOIP communication carrier who will attract customers away from traditional phone services. When Facebook bought out this messaging service, they may have struck pure Internet gold. This may be the needed kick to boost Facebook’s shares making them a very profitable company. Once voice service is available, Whatsapp will come out on top as the ultimate app for voice, text and photo-sharing communications.

How to download new Emoticons for Whatsapp

aggiungere emoticonWhatsapp is an instant messaging service that has virtually replaced the use of the classic short text messages.
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During the first year of use the program  is free and then you will pay very little for a further year. It is extremely easy to use and the cost is almost 0, so Whatsapp is now the application most used not only by teenagers, but by almost everyone in the world.

It requires an internet connection (Wi-Fi or your phone company) and has numerous emoticons, but if  you wish, you can add more. Don’t worry, it is not a complex operation, read on and you will understand that it is very easy. When we chat on WhatsApp with an Android smartphone or an iPhone, we easily associate the words with the emoticons that the app provides us, by selecting the icon in the bottom left and choosing the one that better expresses our mood. But not everyone knows that you can have a greater number of smiles to use interacting with your friends. All you have to do is read this guide on how to enter new WhatsApp emoticons with Android and iPhone. There are different solutions to get new emoticons: first of all you must connect to the store of your smartphone and type in the search keyword “emoticons” or “emoji”.  Once you have found the right app, you just have to download and install it.

How to add new emoticons on WhatsApp with Android. After installing the emoticons on your Android smartphone, an icon will be created on WhatsApp which allows you to send emoticons while chatting. Select the top icon (usually the symbol is a +), select a contact and choose the image to be sent to the person you’re chatting with. If you notice that the app has not created any icon on your WhatsApp, then you can solve the problem in this way: Click on the paper click icon that is usually at the top, among the options that you find select Gallery. Now that you are in the Gallery, click on the symbol with the three vertical dots. You will find the list of media assets, between them you will see the name of the application or applications downloaded for your new emoticons. At this point, click on the app and choose the emoticons that you like and that you want to send with your Android smartphone.

How to add new emoticons on WhatsApp with iPhone. With an iPhone, you’ll have to use a slightly different procedure. After downloading the app emoticons, go to Settings> General> Keyboard> Keyboards. From here, click on Add a new keyboard and, in the list that appears, select Emoji or Emotions, according to the app you have downloaded. In the list of keyboards, in addition to the language you have chosen, you will also see the Emoji or Emoticons. To choose emoticons from WhatsApp, you will need to select the icon with the smiley face, at the bottom of the keyboard. Clicking on it, you can choose the emoticon to send.
See also: WhatsApp FAQ – How do I use emoticons and smileys?How to Impress your friends with cool Whatsapp emoticons Smiles and Emoticons for whatsapp

How to restore WhatsApp messages

come ripristinare i messaggi WhatsAppWhatsApp is like a container with hundreds or even thousands of messages and conversations you had with your friends, family or colleagues. In these “chats” there could be important information, addresses, passwords, and so on, so that is why you often need to be able to retrieve old conversations that you probably deleted from WhatsApp too hastily and superficially, or simply by mistake. But do not worry. Today there is still a chance to recover these conversations removed from WhatsApp.

If you have an Android phone, go to Whatsapp Recovery for Android. If you have an iPhone, you can download and try to do a scan of the device memory using the software Dr.Fone for iOS. This program is one of the most famous “iPhone data recovery” and allows you to recover all deleted data from your device, including your old WhatsApp messages. Obviously you can not go too far back in the recovery because, as time passes, the old messages contained in WhatsApp may have been overwritten by new ones, and when you have such a “overwrite”, recovery becomes virtually impossible. Let’s see below how Dr.Fone for iOS works and how to retrieve old WhatsApp conversations removed from your iPhone.
Step 1. Download and install Dr.Fone for iOS on your PC or Mac. Step 2. Connect your iPhone to the computer and start scanning. Once started Dr.Fone for iOS you will see a screenshot. You can decide whether to retrieve the data from the device memory or from the itunes backup file (if available).  Suppose you do not have a backup and choose the direct recovery from the iOS device. In that case you will have to connect the iPhone to your computer via USB cable. Step 3. Start Scan and retrieve your WhatsApp conversations. Click “START” to start scanning the memory of your iPhone. Dr.Fone will search all the files contained in the memory, not only the old WhatsApp conversations, but also photos, videos, notes, text messages, contacts, calendar, reminders, voice memos, and so on. At the end of the scan you will see a screenshot showing all the files found. Enter the folder “Whatsapp” and from here you can select the conversations to recover. Click “Retrieve” to save those messages on your computer in text format or html format. In addition to text messages, also any attachements to the conversations will be saved (photos, video, audio …).

That’s it! Try now this program and check which one and how many of your old conversations are still recoverable from your iPhone!

See also:

How to create Group Chats on WhatsApp

How to create Group Chats on WhatsAppWhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging applications in the world, perhaps the most famous. It includes many features, some of which are very useful, such as, for example, the possibility to create Group Chats. Groups in which, in practice, you can include more than two people and be able to talk with several people at once without having to contact them one at a time. This function is very useful for those who, for example, are part of a team and want to send some information to the other members, or receiving messages from them without having to spend money on text messages and calls. So, this is just one of many functions that WhatsApp offers and that render it different from text messaging.

But how do you create a group chat on WhatsApp? Easy, follow this guide on how to create a group on WhatsApp and in no time you will have your group chat with your contacts and friends to whom you can send communications and information addressed to them. Requirements: a smartphone that supports WhatsApp; WhatsApp installed on the phone.  And now the procedure: Open the application of WhatsApp and press the menu button on your smartphone. Now select “Create Group”. From there a new menu will open where you have to enter the name you want to give to the group and the official image that the group will have. After entering these details, click on the “Next” button at the top right. Now you just have to insert all the contacts that you want to add to the group and then click the “Create” key located at the top right. From now on, every time you write something in this group chat, the message will reach all the components and they can do the same.

For the group chat it is always important to keep in mind certain features of the application: the maximum number of participants in a group chat is 50 and you can create up to 50 groups. Only the group owner can add people to the chat group, and remember that when you create a group, you are automatically designated as its owner.
If you are the owner but you decide to leave the group, WhatsApp will assign a new owner at random among the participants. Only that person can add you again to the group chat. Also for removing contacts from a group you necessary have to be the owner.  The procedure to remove members from an existing group chat is as follows: 1) Open the group chat. 2) Tuch the title of the group from the info screen group. 3) Touch and hold the name of the participant you want to delete. 4) Select Remove Participant from the menu.
When you decide to leave a group of WhatsApp, the other members will just see a message informing them about your decision to leave the group. Let’s see how you can leave a group chat. First of all Open WhatsApp and go to the Chat screen. Now, Touch the icon to select the chat you want to delete. Touch Delete and then Yes to confirm.

There is the possibility for all the members of the group to change the icon and choose one that best represents all the participants in that conversation, here is the procedure: open the group chat; touch the current icon of the group; select Edit and then select Reset, Take a picture, Select existing or Search on the internet; choose whether to use the camera, the gallery or finding a picture on the web.

You can also mute the notifications group for a period of time. You will still continue to receive messages sent to the group, but your phone will not notify you of their receipt. To silence a group of whatapp follow these simple steps: open the group chat; touch Title Group from the screen Info Group; touch Mute; Select the desired time interval.

See also:

WhatsApp releases new version beta for Android

WhatsApp releases new version beta 2.11.536The most widely used instant messaging service in the world at this time, is also the instant messaging service most discussed on the web. Obviously, you have understood that we are talking about WhatsApp.

After the millionaire acquisition by Facebook, WhatsApp has undergone several changes. Furthermore, WhatsApp keeps on introducing many small innovations that revolve around the ability to make voice calls. The last one of these innovations is the beta for Android, released a few hours ago, with the version number 2.11.536. This development allows us to foresee some interesting clues about some functionality that WhatsApp might introduce in the future.

Indeed, according to DroidApp, the short-term support for other browsers by WhatsApp Web could be closer than expected, judging by a series of icons introduced in this beta that would indicate additional compatibility. Also this new version of WhatsApp has the new pop-up window that appears by touching the avatar of one of your contact, displayed in the center of the screen. This is the same pop-up window seen by some users that in the last few days have managed to activate voice calls in the States, and that only appears by activating this function.  Using it you can quickly send a message to a friend, view additional information about one person or just start a voice call, a kind of quick functions further expanded in this application, accessible in a simple and fast way.
For those curious to try the latest beta, not available in the Play Store, the APK of WhatsApp is already available at this address: .

We must say that WhatsApp is almost monopolizing the messaging industry, outclassing undoubtedly names as Hangouts, Skype, Messenger and all the others however not being complete as much as its competitors (for example, the possibility of making video calls is missing).

See also:

How to be invisible on WhatsApp

How to be invisible on WhatsAppFrequently, you would like to use WhatsApp to contact a friend, but preventing others to see you online. Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not have this function. WhatsApp does not allow you to connect to the service and become invisible as you could do with the old MSN Messenger. This does not mean that we can not do anything to block the annoying people, or those who want to know when we are online or when we connected the last time.

So here are some tips on how to be invisible on WhatsApp without being constantly overwhelmed by messages of little importance.  If you’re wondering how to be invisible on WhatsApp, clearly there is someone who bothers you even though you set your status to “Busy”. In this case, what you should do is stop momentarily the more annoying people: so you will prevent them to see you online.  In that way they can not send messages to you during the period in which you hold them in the black list. If you do not know how to block someone on WhatsApp, do not worry, it is very simple.

If you use an iPhone, you must go into the Settings tab, select Account> Privacy> Blocked from the menu that opens and press Add new. Then select the name of the person you need to block, and you’re done. When you want to reverse the blocking of one of your contacts, you will need to go again to Settings> Account> Privacy> Blocked, swipe to unlock the name (making a swipe from right to left) and press the red button Unlock. If you’re using Android, you have to start WhatsApp, press the + button at the top right of the chat screen and select the contact you want to block. Then you have to press the Menu button located at the top right (the icon with three dots) and select first Other and then the Lock option from the menu that pops up.  To restore the contacts you blocked, you have to go into the chat screen, press the Menu button at the top right (the icon with three dots) and select Settings from the menu that opens. Then, you have to go in the panel Account> Privacy> Blocked Contacts, select the name of the user to unlock and press the Unblock button [name] that appears at the center of the screen.

Another way to increase the level of privacy of WhatsApp is by turning off the display of date and time in which you were connected to the service the last time. In this way, you can avoid giving explanations to your girlfriend or to your friends about why you have not replied to their messages even if you were connected. If for some reason you want to disable the display about your last connection to WhatsApp, all you need to do is to go to Settings, select Account> Privacy> Last access from the menu that opens, and set the option No-One.  If you’d prefer to hide the date of your last access to WhatsApp only to those users who are not yet included among your contacts, choose My contacts. But pay attention, by turning off the display of the date of your last access to WhatsApp you will not be able to see date and time of the last connection of your contacts.