How to spy on WhatsApp messages

spiare whatsappWorried parents? Jealous husbands? You repeatedly see your boyfriend or your daughter chatting on WhatsApp with a huge smile on their face and dreamy eyes but you do not know with who they are chatting? In spite of the privacy, now there is a method to spy on the conversation that interests you.

This technique of espionage is called MAC Spoofing and, although it may seem intimidating, it is the safest and the most applied. You just have to make your modem believe that it is the device of the victim, once followed these steps you will have all the conversations that interest you before your eyes.  Unfortunately, our conversations on WhatsApp are not safe, and thanks to the Mac spoofing technique you can spy on conversations, photos, videos and much more from another contact.

The procedure is quite simple and we can run it without any problem.  But before you start the procedure remember, spying another contact is a crime, so follow this procedure only for testing purposes and to ensure the safety of your Android smartphone. Furthermore, you can perform it on both iPhone and Android smartphones in a completely free and safe way.

How to spy on WhatsApp messages (MAC spoofing).   The procedure that we’re going to run may look really hard to follow, but it is sufficient that you exploit a very safe and simple method called MAC spoofing, in other words, using the Media Access Control, which is nothing more than a series of numbers and letters assigned to each modem to connect to the Internet. The technique described misleads the MAC, letting the Modem think to be another device (the one that we are going to spy).

Spy WhatsApp in 5 steps
The first step is to have a smartphone where we previously installed Whatsapp and have, for about 3 minutes, the phone of the person we want to spy on.  At this point, we need to take a notepad and take note of the MAC address of both our phone and the one we want to spy on. The code consists of a series of numbers and letters such as, for example, 01: B7: 34: F4: 56: AB and, to recover it on Android, you need to go to settings > about phone > status > Wi-Fi MAC address.

Now let’s uninstall WhatsApp from our phone and change the MAC address with the one of the person we want to spy with Busy Box. Let’s reinstall WhatsApp on our device, and upon activation we enter the phone number of the person we want to spy on. Now a confirmation message will arrive addressed to the person we want to spy on, so let’s get again his/her smartphone and lead it into the guided procedure.

Finally you’re done and you can read all the messages of the phone spied, including photos, messages and videos.

WhatsApp for Android introduces a new update: finally, Material Design

whatsapp material designWhatsApp updates its app for the Android version 2:12:38, introducing Material Design for the user interface. After enabling voice calls for all users, WhatsApp has finally renewed the interface of the messaging client.

In fact, the latest version 2:12:38 adopts Material Design, already introduced by Google with Android 5.0 Lollipop. There are not yet any news regarding the functionality, but, for the the moment, only those concerning a restyling and new animations. The app can now be downloaded from the official website or, if you prefer, you can wait for its arrival on the Google Play Store.

You will immediately notice the first difference from previous releases as soon as you launch the program. The three tabs (Call, Chat and Contacts) in the menu bar now have the same background, with the same dark green color. When the user makes a scrolling, the menu bar is hidden. A white indicator (bubble-shaped), visible next to the title of the tab, indicates if you have unread messages or missed calls.

A new animation was instead add to the details of the contacts and of the groups. To view the full profile photo just drag it down. If otherwhise you scroll up, the image disappears and the bar takes on the dominant color of the photo. Even the chat window has changed. The box for messages is smaller and you can see to its right a button for voice notes, which becomes a normal submit button, when the user starts to write.

There are also new effects for switching between keyboard/emoticons and the button for the attachements. Other changes are visible when you select the messages and use the search function. The icons in the Other section of the settings were not instead “materialized”.

WhatsApp 2:12:38 will be available on Google store in the coming days. But the most impatients can download and install the APK file (19.6 MB), after activating the option “Unknown sources” in the security settings.

This update is a real turning point, arrived after a long wait, many requests and many unofficial clients who have tried to do the same thing.

How to make money with WhatsApp

far soldi con whatsappIn this new millennium, the online communication possibilities have seen new developments, starting from the abandonment of the classic Messenger, to focus on applications more versatile and appealing, even (and especially) for a young audience, and for those always ready to share with friends and acquaintances the details of their days with instant messages. WhatsApp is undoubtedly an important step on the spread of a more pervasive and affordable communication for everyone.

So, can you try to monetize this opportunity? The answer is no: unfortunately WhatsApp does not allow its users to gain money directly from it, regardless of possible affiliations established with special partnership programs with the platform. However, you can earn with some important alternatives to WhatsApp, which are emerging within the messaging and mobile communication. We are talking about Chad2Win and Quack Messenger, and we are going to illustrate their peculiarity.

Although Chad2Win is fairly recent, it quickly became a little, big, phenomenon. This app has been advertised using a a particularly audacious motto, that is “everybody wins”, and is available for iOS and Android platforms. Besides providing free messages, Chad2win allows us to earn modest figures by sending and receiving messages. Chad2Win works in a way which does not vary so much from that of WhatsApp, so we are sure that prospective users will not encounter particular difficulties.
While we chat with our contacts, occasionally the application will display an advertisement, and we can click to view it in its entirety.  Normally this video is no longer than a few seconds, but looking more advertising we can get to earn much more money (about 30 Euro) thanks to advertisers who publish on Chad2Win. Expanding our profile and indicating personal data, we can also get bonuses on the figures obtained. After the success obtained in Spain, in which hundreds of thousands of users were overwhelmed by the new app, it is now the turn of Italy, which, however, still seems to prefer WhatsApp despite the inability to monetize content and messages exchanged.

Now that WhatsApp offers free calls, a new, interesting app (interesting from the point of view of monetization and earnings) is arrived. It is Quack! Messenger and allows us to gain chatting. This new messenger is an evolution of Chad2Win, which proves to be more suitable to earnings via chat. The compensation is on the “tap” (or click) performed on banner ads shown during the conversation sessions, however, the way of remuneration include also the “impression”, or views of ads, without requiring anything else from the user, which is a definite advantage when it has to do with a banner size of this kind.

As for compensation, Quack! Messenger allows you to make money on a monthly basis, about 20 Euro, with a visualization medium/high of the contents. Among the alternatives that allow you to monetize Android and iOS chats, this is nevertheless an opportunity not to be missed. Payments are made through Paypal, delivering to us a portion of the advertising fees that the creators of the application receive.  The ads shown are often the result of Google Adsense, so some circuits and affiliations are already known to all those who monetize content on the web.

We have thus shown the main ways to make money with alternatives to WhatsApp, waiting that even the most known instant messaging application allows us to have some similar advantage by implementing advertising within applications: so let’s start and make money from now!

See also:

How to send an email using WhatsApp

email whatsappToday many of our most important conversations take place on Whatsapp. This successful app for instant messaging has become part of our lives and we often regret that all these conversations remain there. Would you like to send them via email to someone? Imagine that one of your friends has lost the phone and with it all its conversations: surely it will please him to receive them by e-mail!

So, are you wondering how to do it? Well, you’re reading the right article. Let’s see togheter this very handy guide to find out how to send a WhatsApp conversation through email, making use of automatic procedures, with both Android and iPhone.

If you need to send a WhatsApp conversation via email, picking up the phone and starting to copy hundreds of sentences and writing them down on your PC is not really a good idea, don’t you think? If you think about it, consider at the time that you would waste. But maybe you are not aware of the existence of a simple procedure included in the app.

Sending a WhatsApp conversation via email using iPhone and Android.  For iPhone and Android smartphones there are similar procedures which allow you to send a WhatsAPp conversation through email, directly accessing the application settings and without the need to download any additional app to complete the operation successfully.

1. Start WhatsApp. The first step will be to start WhatsApp on your phone where there is the conversation that you want to send via e-mail, and then enter the menu with the three dots and select the Settings item from the list, at the top right of your screen.

2. Enter the chat settings and look for the sending conversation option. At this point the procedure is almost finished, because now you can just select Settings, Chat and, in this folder, among the various options proposed, you will find the option Send conversation via e-mail. This option, as you can guess, contains everything you need to satisfy your request.

3. Select and send a WhatsApp conversation through email. At this point the app will submit you all your conversations in a list, in a chronological order starting with the most recents. Now, simply touch the one you want to send via email, choose to add a file as an attachment (by clicking Attach Media) or leave it as it is (choosing without Media) and conclude with the final submission of the conversation to the email address inserted.

That’s it! You have now sent your email using WhatsApp.

WhatsApp for PC

WhatsApp Messenger is steadily getting popular as an alternative to the stock SMS service offered by many smartphones. With this app, you can send virtually unlimited text messages and even send photos or include emoticons for (almost) free. It works through 3G or WiFi.
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The app is even ad-free so no annoyance while using it. It comes with a (little) price though. It would be free to download this App for Android and you can use it for only 1 year for free. whatsapp-for-pcAfterwards, you’ll have to pay a $0.99 subscription fee to continue using it. The power of WhatsApp is in its large network. While the exact number of subscribers is not disclosed, Google play has recorded 1.2 billion downloads of the app (Skype has 650 million; Viber has 300 million). Furthermore, it is available for iOS, Nokia, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Windows phones. This app eliminates the need for a text plan which can significantly reduce expenses especially when messaging people from other countries.

Whatsapp on Pc? Yes…
The Problem with “WhatsApp On PC” is simply that Whatsapp has been natively created to run on mobile phones, not on desktop computer. However there is always a solution to any problem so yes, you can run WhatsApp (and also other mobile messaging apps like Viber, Snapchat, etc.) also on your Windows, Mac or even Linux Ubuntu. But these solutions require you to use BlueStacks, an Android emulator, or any similar OS emulator like Youwave or Andy. Here below, first a quick solution, then the full story…

Whatsapp on Pc: A quick solution (Chrome Browser)…
That’s the easiest and quickest solution to use Whatsapp on your Pc or laptop…
– Download and install Chrome on your computer.
– Visit from your Chrome browser.
– Pull up your WhatsApp Web QR code scanner on your mobile device as explained in the instructions.
– Finally Scan the QR code and your conversations will automatically appear in your browser.
N.B. For iOS users with an iPhone the device is not supported yet because (WhatsApp says) of “Apple platform limitations.”

The full story (And a Little Issue…)
While the app offers a good deal of advantages for use as instant messaging, Whatsapp is still not perfect. One of those is not having a PC or desktop platform. Indeed there are still people who have trouble fiddling with the small on-screen keys of touchscreen devices and would prefer to use a desktop PC when at home. However, you still have a couple of options to take advantage of the powers of Whatsapp on your PC. Here below, a simple step-by-step solution to install and use WhatsApp on a PC desktop.

Installing WhatsApp for PC using Bluestacks
The first method requires an Android emulator called “BlueStacks“.  To download the specific Bluestacks for whatsapp click here. Bluestacks can emulate Android both on Windows or Mac almost perfectly, indeed there are just few apps which are not compatible with Bluestacks. Here the full step-by-step procedure:

Step 1
Search the web for BlueStack installer or download it directly from here and install it on your PC.
Step 2
After the installation is done, launch the program. It will open a welcome screen, showing you a list of top 25 apps.
Step 3
From the welcome screen, go to the My Apps tab. You can see the button at the top right next to the Top Charts tab. This is where the apps you download would go by default.
Step 4
Under this tab, select “App Search”. You must use this function to search for the app you need (in this case “Whatsapp”).
Step 5
A search bar will appear; type in “WhatsApp”. After that, the engine will search for it from three places, namely, Google Play, One Mobile, and Amazon App Store. It will display the search results from all these.
Step 6
What you want to select is the WhatsApp Messenger from the One Mobile store. A prompt will appear. Click Install. BlueStacks now will download the app for you. It may take a few minutes so go ahead and do something else. Maybe grab a snack or catch a short clip from YouTube 🙂
Step 7
Once done, the app will be in your “My Apps” tab. You will need to configure the app first before you can send messages with it. It won’t be hard. Just launch the app.
Step 8
Click “Agree and Continue” on the welcome screen that appears.
Step 9
On the next screen, select your country from the drop-down list. Below that, you need to enter your mobile number. The country code will automatically be filled when you select your country.
Step 10
The app will verify your number. This will be through an SMS or voice verification that contains the code.
Step 11
Upon receiving the code, you need to enter this so you can start using the app.
Step 12
There will be additional steps for you since you’re using the PC version. When the app is installed on a phone, it will automatically scan your phone for contacts who are already registered on the app.

Easiest option to use Whatsapp on your PC (Whatsapp Web)
Facebook recently unveiled a new feature (not yet used by the owners of Iphone) called WhatsApp Web ! With a post on Facebook the company announced that: “those who have a PC (or even an Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry) can already connect to Whatsapp through this Web page: “. The only requirement: to use the Web version of WhatsApp you need to download Google Chrome, the only enabled browser (at the moment). You will need to associate WhatsApp on your phone to the client web application. To run the web client you need the latest version of WhatsApp on your smartphone (from which complete the activation process) and you must be connected to the Internet. So… Nothing to install here, except (of course) Chrome, which is by the way, a great (free) Browser !

That’s it ! Now you can fully enjoy WhatsApp on your PC by using a (big) keyboard to easily chat and type messages to your friends. Well done !

See also:

Facebook-WhatsApp: the first major integration

facebook whatsappA brand new icon has appeared in the app of the social network owned by Mark Zuckerberg: a  “Send” button that would allow to send the contents of the post that you are viewing to the users of WhatsApp.

These are only technical tests, but still quite impressive. According to the site GeekTime, through a screenshot taken quickly by dozens of other specialized sites, Facebook would be testing an integration with WhatsApp, the popular application for instant messaging acquired for $19 billion during in February 19, 2014.

The proof is an icon appeared in the famous app of the social network of Mark Zuckerberg: a new “Send” button that would allow to send to WhatsApp users the content of the post that you are viewing.  The new button appears on the right side (for left-to-right languages) for some users in the most recent version of the Facebook for Android app. In fact the change, for now, concerns only a small group of users who have downloaded the update of Facebook for Android (version In the intentions of the giant of Menlo Park, they should test the new function.

The GeekTime site, which appears reliable (it was the first to anticipate in October 2014 the introduction of VoIP in WhatsApp), also reports rumors that the teams of both platforms are working on an integration that would strengthen the position of Facebook in the field of instant messaging, dominated by two services: WhatsApp, with 700 million monthly active users, and Facebook Messenger, with 600 million monthly active users.

In other words, the integration will be made, despite Zuckerberg push more and more his Messenger (as evidenced by the Messenger Platform for developers launched during the last F8, which will provide many new specific apps to the instant messaging service) and Jan Koum, one of the co-founders of WhatsApp, has ensured in February 2014, just days after the acquisition of the app, that “there is no plan of integration with Facebook.”

But, as we were saying, according to unconfirmed rumors, teams from both companies are already working on a deeper integration that will include the ability to send messages between Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

How to backup your WhatsApp chat

How to backup your WhatsApp chatHow to backup your WhatsApp chat and how to save and restore your chat history on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Did you know that our virtual life on Whatsapp, our conversations and media files that we have sent or received, can be stored online and imported to a new device? In case of theft, damage or loss of our smartphones, nothing is lost: we will be able to restore our conversations in a few moments.

The fundamental condition to restore the entire backup of Whatsapp – seems obvious, but it is better to make it clear – is its creation: we have to make a backup and archive it online before you can restore it. Whatsapp, regardless of the device in which it is installed, allows you to save your conversations, export them and then import them in the same device – if you delete the application – or in a new one. Let’s see how to perform these steps on the three major mobile platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

IOS – Once you have opened Whatsapp, head to Settings> Chat> Backup chat: from here you can backup right away and set the following updates: every day, every week or every month. You can also choose to disable this option, the choice is yours. The backup is saved in iCloud, the backup system from Apple, so be sure to also back up the general device using the same system and, why not, also on iTunes. If you want to restore the chronology in the same device, uninstall Whatsapp and then reinstall it: when you first start it, the backup will be found and you will be asked to restore it. Changing device, however, it will be sufficient to restore the backup of your smartphone to find even your Whatsapp conversations.

Android – For those using Androids, there are some differences. Whatsapp explains that the messages are automatically saved every day on the phone memory, then eliminating Whatsapp you will lose even the backups. However, it is possible to perform a manual backup before deleting the application and restore it at a later time. You need to follow a few and very simple steps: go to WhatsApp> Menu> Settings> Chat and click Backup conversations (run) to back up the conversations. You can also export a copy of single conversations – also applies to the group chat – using the Send function via email: Touch and keep the conversation or group. Select send chat via email. Choose whether Attach Media.

Now, you will have an email with your chat history attached as a .txt document. If you choose to attach media files, the most recent ones will be attached. To restore the entire history you just have to transfer in your new smartphone the microSD card or the folder where you saved the backup, install Whatsapp and choose the Restore option when you first start. But if you want to restore the chronology in the same device, you can just delete and reinstall WhatsApp: when you start it again the backup will be found and you can restore it in a few moments.

Windows Phone – Whatsapp messages on Windows Phone are saved daily on the phone memory, as happens for Android devices. Consequently, eliminating Whatsapp also the messages you exchanged with your contacts are lost, so, to prevent that from happening, you will have to do manually your back up. To run the backup from the chat: open the chat and, from the main page, tap the three dots in the lower right. Touch Settings. Now Backup. If you want, you can also export your messages.

If you want to restore the backup, you will need to transfer to the new phone the microSD card or the folder where you saved the backup, install Whatsapp and choose the Restore option that appears when you first start the app. In a few moments everything will return as you left it in your old smartphone. Easy, isn’t it?

See also: