WhatsApp: you can backup again your messages on Google Drive

google driveRecently it seems to have become rather difficult to have installed on our smartphone the most updated version of WhatsApp, since the service is repeatedly releasing updates. Just think that only during this last week, 10 updates (yes, you’ve read well, 10 updates) have been rolled out.

Just yesterday, among the many new features that the popular instant messaging app is bringing to its service, we talked about the possibility to backup our conversations on Google Drive. In fact it seems that WhatsApp is slowly reintroducing this function, earlier enabled and then unexpectedly disabled.

Unfortunately at the moment this feature is not yet available for everyone. Let’s see why. It seems that, as it is already happens with many other apps, WhatsApp has decided to gradually enable users on a server-side. The introduction of this new feature has not yet been confirmed by WhatsApp, which probably will make official the availability of this new option after enabling the users.

With the backup to Google Drive not only we can save our conversations, but we can also archive our pictures and videos safely. Of course on the Play Store we can already find many apps that allow us to save our messages, that’s why, obviously, WhatsApp could not avoid to add the ability of making backups among its services.

So WhatsApp users during the last year have seen their favourite app (now the most used in the world) changing a lot, and actually it has incredibly improved. For example with the introduction of Material Design. Or the addition of the Voice Calling Feature, which has been really a breakthrough.

WhatsApp for Android: the official update adds custom notifications

version 2.12.194On the official website of WhatsApp you can already find version 2.12.194 (which was already released as a beta version). This new update introduced a lot of interesting features. First of all, it allows you to customize notifications for single contacts and group chats. But let’s see what happened step by step.

On Google Play Store you can still find available version 2.12.176, but WhatsApp in the last week has released 10 updates, of which 5 only in the last 24 hours. Obviously the last one of these updates is the one containing more changes. In fact WhatsApp version 2.12.194 for Android, which you can already find on the official site of the service, introduces some new useful and much welcomed features.

Downloading this last version, Android users will be able to choose a particular kind of notification for each of their friends. Furthermore, if you don’t want to be disturbed by the notification ringtones, you can now mute your chat for a specific time period (8 hour, one week or one year). With the “mute” option, even if the app does not emit any sound, notifications will be displayed as usual.

Version 2.12.194 adds also another important feature already anticipated during the last few weeks: the “mark as unread. To use this function you just have to long press a conversation and its status will switch to green (unread). This simple function will only serve as a reminder and will absolutly not affect the chronological order and the status of the other messages in the conversation.

Another interesting feature introduced with version 2.12.194 is the low data usage option for voice calls, which will allow you to consume less data (for the moment we don’t know in which measure this will affect the quality of the calls). Finally this last update also mentions again the possibility to have a backup on Google Drive, so we think that probably this function will be restored during the next few weeks.

How to send anonymous messages on WhatsApp

wassameRecently  on the internet has arrived a particular service that lets you send messages with WhatsApp on any iPhone, Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry device anonymously and for free. This service is called Wassame. Wassame allows you to remain anonymous even for what concerns your registration on the site, because once you’ve sent a message, it will be destroyed from the server without leaving a trace.

This service can be very useful. For example in case you need to send communications without showing your phone number. To use this service you simply have to go to the site of Wassame where you will be asked to enter some information such as your email address, your name and a password to access the service. Once you have completed this procedure you will receive a confirmation e-mail on your email box. Open the message and just click on the link contained in it.

At this point we have to go back to the website of Wassame and click on ‘Communication’ which is located on the left and select ‘Anonymous’. Now a new page will open where you can write the message, enter the phone number and confirm with the control code. You have to remember though that the service allows you to send only one message per day to the same phone number. If you want to send more messages you have to buy a plan from those proposed.

Furthermore, with Wassame you can also send JPEG, PNG and GIF images, up to 5MB, and upload videos up to 20MB. The service also makes it possible to send voice messages and share your GPS position. Developers of Wassame have developed a special algorithm that seems to allow you to filter those messages or images that may be not in line with the conditions of the service.

The possibility to send messages anonymously will surely be appreciated by those concerned about their privacy, and probably in the future the same WhatsApp could decide to include a similar functionality among those of its client. And we know that WhatsApp users are getting quite concerned about their privacy, since this seems to be one of the weaknesses of this popular instant messaging app.

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat: the new statistic published by GlobalWebIndex reveals surprising data

app-messaggi2942-d678dThe new survey prepared by GlobalWebIndex reveals that the growth of instant messaging apps is radically changing the way we communicate. After the massive success of social networks, now it seems that users prefer apps like WhatsApp and WeChat. The research conducted by GlobalWebIndex provides us with precise data for this change. Even if we are not very surprised by these results, an interesting overview comes to light.

Through this survey we can see that now all communications and actions that once users carried out on social networks are now performed using apps like WhatsApp. Just to give you an idea: in Italy WhatsApp is now used more than Facebook. The growth of these apps that allow you to have instant conversations has resulted in a further decline of traditional messaging services as SMS and MMS. These services, according to GlobalWebIndex, decreased respectively by 11% and 17%. We can state that this is an obvious decline, even though millions of users around the world still send their messages via SMS or MMS.

The countries monitored by the research were 33. In 8 of them WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are the most used instant messaging app, while they are still far behind in Asian countries. In fact in these countries one of the most used app is LINE, that in three countries wins the competition against the apps owned by Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook and WhatsApp Messenger). LINE in fact is the most used instant application in Japan, Thailand and Taiwan. In South Korea, the market is dominated by Kakao Talk. In China the most used app is WeChat, used by 3 of 5 adults, while in Vietnam is Zalo.

Other interesting data of the research published by GlobalWebIndex concern the age of the users of instant messaging apps. It seems that most of them are  between 16 and 34 years old, and among teenagers Snapchat is hugely used. The use of instant messaging services decreases proportionally when the age of the users increases. Snapchat users are younger (84% are under 35 years) and among American teenagers is more widespread than Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. It also seems that people between 16 and 24 are those who spend more time on the internet through their mobile devices.

Furthermore, the research shows that WhatsApp is the app with the most active users, but Facebook Messenger is the one most addictive. As for Instagram, its users (86%) are those most likely to use instant messaging app, followed by Google+ and Twitter (82%). The research data were collected through online questionnaires between March and April 2015, to which 47,622 people aged between 16 and 64 replied.

Whatsapp history – How to recover, save and restore deleted chat messages

Deleted or lost WhatsApp chats, messages and videos are not necessarily gone for good. It is often possible to recover data through WhatsApp on iPhones and other devices.

The good news is that WhatsApp automatically backs up messages on both devices and in Apple’s iCloud solution every day. Retrieving this information and restoring it to your device is fairly easy. You will have to follow different instructions for Android and iPhone because of the differences between the devices.

whatsapp13How to Recover Deleted Messages on Android Devices
If you use an Android device, you are in luck because WhatsApp automatically backs up all messages each day at 4 a.m. and stores in them in the WhatsApp folder. The folder is located in the internal memory or SD card of your phone.

All you need to do to restore the most recent backup of messages is to uninstall WhatsApp and reinstall it. Note that you probably will not be able to retrieve messages sent or received after the backup this way. For example, a message you received at 7 a.m. will be gone, but those sent up to 4 a.m. should be available.

Here is how to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp on an Android Device:
– Go to Settings, choose applications, find WhatsApp, and click on Uninstall. Make sure WhatsApp is uninstalled; if it is not, you may not be able to restore your messages.

– Download the latest version of WhatsApp from Google Play.

– Open WhatsApp, and verify the terms of service.

Type in your name.

– You will have to have somebody send you message or send yourself a message on WhatsApp in order to activate it.

– WhatsApp should ask if you would like to restore your message history from backup. Choose restore to restore your messages.

Note: WhatsApp can only restore fairly from the last seven days; older backups could be lost. It cannot restore messages for a different phone number, very old messages, and those stored in a defective or corrupted SD card or with a corrupted chat history. If you have to change phones, you could be out of luck. Chat history recorded after 4 a.m. on the day of backup will be lost. Running a manual backup could also destroy the most recent backups as well

You can sometimes restore older backups, such as those over a week old, by following these instructions:
1) Create a manual backup for your WhatsApp by going to WhatsApp>Menu>Settings>Chat Settings>Backup Chats.

2) Create a manual backup file, and save it under another name.

3) Follow the instructions for uninstalling WhatsApp.

4) Decide which file you want to restore.

5) Rename the file.

6) Follow the instructions for reinstalling WhatsApp.

Please note that in some cases you will have to repeat this process more than once to restore your messages.

Backup Outside of Your Phone
If you want to back up messages off of your Android device, there are two different methods. First, you can take advantage of WhatsApp Web. WhatsApp Web allows you to access your messages on your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer and to see and store them there.

You can also export your chats and store them on a computer or your email account by following these instructions. Note: You have to export chats one at a time. Here is the process for exporting a chat:
1) Open the chat you wish to export.

2) Tap the three dots in the right corner labeled info or group info to save to a computer.

3) Tap the three dots in the right-hand corner, and email chat history.

whatsapp16If you use Windows Mail, you may need to open another account, such as a Gmail account, to take advantage of this feature. Windows Mail size restrictions sometimes block WhatsApp storage.

Backing Up WhatsApp Messages on iPhones
If you have an iPhone, your best means of backing up WhatsApp data is with an iCloud account. iCloud is Apple’s cloud-based storage solution for devices. This frees up memory on your phone and allows you to access your messages if your phone gets lost, stolen, or destroyed. Note that you will only be able to recover messages that are backed up on iCloud, so try backing up on it at least once a day.

To take advantage of iCloud, your device must have iOS 5.1 or later as its operating system. You must have enough free iCloud space for your WhatsApp data and enough free memory on the phone to create the backup.
For the backup to work, your iCloud must be turned on. If your phone operates on iOS 7, go to iPhone Settings, choose iCloud and  Documents & Data, and make sure it is turned on. For iOS 8, go to iPhone Settings choose iCloud then choose iCloud Drive and make sure it is turned on.

Once iCloud is on you must go to WhatsApp Settings choose Chat Settings find Chat Backup. You can backup manually by clicking Back Up Now. You can also schedule an automatic backup by tapping Auto Backup. Auto Backup is the best method; it is best to schedule it once a day, usually at night.

If you want to save money on your cell phone bill, you can set your Backup to only operate on Wi-Fi. To do this, go to iCloud Drive settings in iOS 8 or Documents & Data in iOS 7, and choose Use Cellular Data. Make sure that Use Cellular Data is turned off. If you do this, you will want to schedule the backup for a time when you know you will have Wi-Fi access; for example, when you can access your Wi-Fi at home or work.

Recovering WhatsApp Messages from iCloud
You will only be able to recover WhatsApp messages that have been backed up on iCloud. To do this, simply go to WhatsApp Settings>Chat Settings>Chat Backup and determine when the last back up occurred.
To restore messages from iCloud, you will have to follow these steps.

whatsapp181) Delete your current version of WhatsApp from your phone.

2) Go to the App Store, and download the latest version of WhatsApp you can see there.

3) Install the latest version of WhatsApp.

4) Verify your phone number.

5) Make sure your device is connected to iCloud using a cellular connection or Wi-Fi. Apple recommends that you use a Wi-Fi connection for this operation. Recovery is impossible without a good connection to iCloud.

Follow the onscreen prompts to restore your chat history. Note: Only the chat history backed up on iCloud will be restored.

If this does not work, follow the instructions on this Apple support page or this WhatsApp support page.

WhatsApp Recovery for Other Devices
For Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Nokia, and other devices, simply repeat the recovery instructions for Android; that is, uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. If that does not work, you can try the Tenoshare Free WhatsApp Recovery App available here. This app allows you to extract WhatsApp messages from most devices.
You can also export messages from these devices by following the Android instructions.

WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10: the new beta is now available

whatsapp for blackberry 10WhatsApp is a free instant messaging application for smartphones that allows you to chat with friends, family or colleagues who use Android, iPhone or Windows Phone devices. Currently this successful app is not used just to chat, but also to share instantly music, video and pictures with your contacts, all included in your flat fee. After several updates available mainly for Android users, finally it is now available a new beta for BlackBerry 10.

It seems that this new beta fixes many of the bugs contained in the previous version. So let’s look in detail what changes and which are the improvements that  this new beta provides. Users of BlackBerry 10.3.2 will be surely glad to know that with this new beta WhatsApp is able to read Facebook contacts from the system’s address book. It goes without saying that this is a big improvement, as it solves the problem of the missing contacts.

Between the bugs that have been fixed there is the one concerning the unanswered incoming calls. In fact, so far, if you missed a call the pop-up was not showing it. Furthermore, now BlackBerry users will be happy to know that finally the bug that caused the first message sent in a new conversation to be shown only after a few seconds has been fixed. Since these improvements are currently contained just in the beta version, if you want to download this new version, you can do it only from the BlackBerry Beta Zone.

Once you are in BlackBerry Beta Zone, first of all you have to register, then you will be able to download and install WhatsApp Beta version.  After that, you must accept terms and conditions and have your mobile phone number to be verified. After you have your phone number verified, you will be able to enter into your WhatsApp account.

Whatsapp for hp stream 7

It is easy to see why WhatsApp has become one of the world’s most popular chatting applications, with 450 million users worldwide. The app can be used on virtually any phone, including some of the latest models, such as the Hewlett Packard (HP) Stream 7.
Most readers will be unfamiliar with the HP Stream 7 because it only came out in September 2014. Even though it has some very impressive specifications, the Stream 7 has not been released in all areas yet, although it is being rolled out worldwide now.

The Stream 7 is one of a new class of devices that is halfway between a smartphone and a tablet. It provides users some of the capabilities of a tablet and many of the advantages of a smartphone.

Specifications of HP Stream 7
Basically, the Stream 7 is a smartphone powered by Microsoft Windows, which has some of the most advanced features on the market. The state-of-the-art technology available in the Stream 7 includes:

– A seven-inch HD IPS (high definition in plane switching) touchscreen display.

– A 73735G Intel Atom Processor.

One gigabyte of memory.

– 32 to 35 gigabytes of internal memory storage.

– The ability to run Windows Office 365 Personal. This gives users access to such popular Microsoft solutions as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Access. Users also receive one TB, or terabyte, of cloud storage and up to 60 minutes of Skype calling.

– A two-megapixel rear camera.

– A 3-megapixel front camera.
Windows 8.1 with Bing.

– A Micro SD media drive.

Intel HD graphics with shared graphics memory.

– A 3000mAh lithium-ion battery capable of storing up to 11.1 watts of electricity, which could provide up to eight hours of use.

Wireless capability at 802.11b/g/n.

As you can see, the HP Stream 7 is a very handy device for professionals and businesspeople. It is also an ideal device for utilizing WhatsApp because of its cameras and connectivity. One big advantage to the Stream 7 is that some Android applications, including WhatsApp, will operate upon it. Another is that you will not need to “jailbreak” the HP Stream 7 to install WhatsApp like you may have to with some versions of the iPhone.

How to Install WhatsApp for Android on the HP Stream 7
The current Android version of WhatsApp Messenger available in Google Play is compatible with the Windows 8.1 operating system on the HP Stream 7 and Slate 7. You can even install it without jailbreaking, according to app4smart.com.

Here are the instructions for installing the Android version of WhatsApp Messenger on an HP phone:

1) You will have to create a Google Play account and get the latest version of Google Play.

2) Type WhatsApp into the Google Play search feature to find WhatsApp Messenger. The good news is that WhatsApp Messenger is free.

3) Check the compatibility of WhatsApp Messenger. If you are trying to install on the HP Stream 7, you will have to choose the PC version—because the Stream 7 is considered a “PC.”

4) Simply click Install.

5) Once WhatsApp Messenger is installed, you will probably have to have somebody send you a message using WhatsApp or Skype to get it to work. You can also send yourself a message using a Skype account or WhatsApp on a different computer or phone.

WhatsApp in the Windows Phone Store
There is a slightly less advanced version of WhatsApp available in the Windows Phone Store that can also be installed on the HP Stream 7, WinBeta reported. This version apparently lacks some of the capabilities of the Android version, although it is being upgraded.
To get the free version of WhatsApp Messenger from the Windows Phone Store, simply click here. The first year of WhatsApp from the Windows Phone Store is free; it will cost 99¢ a year for subsequent years.

To install WhatsApp from the Windows Phone Store, simply click on the install button and follow the instructions. Note: If you have already installed WhatsApp Messenger on your Stream 7, it is a good idea to check back at the store because new versions are constantly being released.

Since its acquisition by Facebook last year, WhatsApp has been significantly upgrading its technology and capabilities. It has also been expanding the offerings available through both Google Play and the Windows Phone Store. That means the current version of WhatsApp for Windows 8.1 is significantly better than some of the older ones.

The Capabilities of WhatsApp Messenger for Windows
Like other versions of WhatsApp, this edition can be used for sending messages, video, photos, and voice. Like other versions of WhatsApp, it can be limited by poor wireless signals and poor connections.

WhatsApp for Windows was recently upgraded so it can open faster, WinBeta reported. Some of the photo editing capabilities have also been upgraded. You can now crop and rotate photos and add captions to both pictures and videos. It is also easier to archive chats and groups, which can free up bandwidth and make your phone and WhatsApp run faster.

You might also notice that each chat will have its own background, which can make it easier to recognize those you are messaging with. It is also easier to share your location with the new drag and drop pin.

whatsapp12WhatsApp was also recently upgraded to provide better support for smartphones with high resolution screens. This makes it ideal for use with the HP Stream 7 with its seven-inch high definition touchscreen.

That makes WhatsApp an ideal solution for those that want to share photos and videos online and persons that want to use their phones as a camera. It is easier than ever to share pictures via WhatsApp.

The Future of WhatsApp and HP Stream 7
The days when the Apple iPhone was the cutting edge of smartphone technology are long over. Windows Phones like the HP Stream 7 are the equals to and, in some respects, the superiors of Apple’s offerings.
Solutions like WhatsApp now make the HP Stream 7 a better solution for many users than the iPhone. If you like Windows software, you’ll love the HP Stream 7 and WhatsApp!