Whatsapp for Asha 200 NOKIA

Installing Whatsapp on a Nokia Asha 200
You’ve been wanting to install the whatsapp on your Nokia Asha 200 for a little while now, but you’re not sure how to begin. Getting this on your phone won’t be a problem. Follow the below steps and you’ll have it working in no time. Ensure that you follow the steps as best you can to make sure you have everything needed for a working application.
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The first step to getting the whatsapp downloaded is getting on your computer. whatsapp for asha 200You’ll need to go to your favorite search engine and search “whatsapp for Nokia Asha free download. Get the download onto your computer. Make sure that within the download two files “whatsapp.jad” and “whatsapp.jar” are present. Without these two files the app will not run correctly.

You’ll need to make sure you have plenty of space on your phone for the downloaded files. If you have more than one Sim card it is recommended that you remove the second one until after the installation. Now you can plug your Nokia into your computer via USB cord and copy that newly downloaded folder onto your phone’s memory card. It is very important to remember that after coping and pasting this file onto your phone you should NOT open the app on your phone yet. When you get the filed moved into your memory card you will need to copy the app into either games or my apps on your phone. It just depends on where you would like to place it. Again do not open the app on your phone yet. Whatsapp for Asha 200 NOKIA b

Click on the app options and update to the latest version. You can bring up the app options by clicking the left most button on the Nokia Asha 200. Let the update install. If you skip the updating process then the app will not work correctly. The downloading process will take some time depending on your connectivity speeds to wifi or data.
When the update is complete you can open up the app. When your first open it whatsapp will ask you for the mobile number you’ll be using.

They will send you a verification code either through a call or through a text message to verify the number you wish to use. Now that your number is confirmed the app will load up and you can begin using it. If you’re having trouble getting the app to install start from step one again. Wipe your phone of all the previous data from the app and start over. If you’re still having problems downloading whatsapp make sure you are using one of the compatible Nokia phones.

You may also try downloading the app on your phone by directly going to the website and downloading it from there, however, with the Nokia, since it’s a Java phone the best option is to follow the steps above, as the website has a different version that may not be compatible with your device.

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