WhatsApp for Windows Phone: the app has been updated to version 2.12.212 and adds new features

WP version 2 12 212Great news for Windows Phone users: their favourite instant messaging app has been updated and now, among other novelties, they too can use the Starred Messages feature! Bad news: it seems that not every Windows Phone user that updated WhatsApp to version 2.12.212 has received the new features. What’s happened? For the moment we are not able to tell you the reason, probably they have decided to roll out this new version gradually.

Anyway, let’s see what changes with version 2.12.212 for Windows Phone. First of all, there isn’t a change-log, which usually means that this latest one isn’t a major update, but fortunately brings some useful new features. The first one, as mentioned above, is the Starred Messages option. How can you ‘Star’ a message on your Windows Phone device? It couldn’t be easier than this: when you are on the message you want to star, you only have to press and hold on it and choose the ‘Star’ option.Once you’ve starred your messages you can view them going to Menu > Featured Messages.

The other update involves the camera: some users have noticed that it now has a new interface. Furthermore, as usual, this new version comes with several bug fixes and performance improvements, so the app should run smoothly on your Windows Phone. If you want to install this new version 2.12.212 of WhatsApp for Windows Phone you can download it from the Windows Store and it is free. This latest version 2.12.212 supports Windows 8.1 or later.

WhatsApp, and social media in general, is certainly changing our life and our way to communicate. What we appreciate of  WhatsApp, which is the most used instant messaging app in the world with its 900 million monthly active users, is that it helps us to stay in touch with people around the world and is so versatile that can be used for several purposes.

For example: did you know that doctors use it to communicate with their patients? It seems that particularly Brazilians doctors are very active: 87% of them uses WhatsApp to send messages to their patients. The percentage is quite high in Italy too, where 62% of doctors communicate with their patients through WhatsApp. The percentage plummets dramatically in the UK, where only 2% of doctors use WhatsApp to get in touch with their patients.

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