Over the last few days WhatsApp’s developers have released several updates which further improve our beloved app, so now platforms supporting WhatsApp such as Android, iOS and Windows Phone can benefit of new, awesome, helpful features.
Today we are going to talk about the new 2.16.204 Beta version of WhatsApp for Windows Phone. So, what changes for Windows users with this new update? The changes introduced with this latest Beta mostly regard the use of the emojis. WhatsApp has in fact decided to standardise communication by using the iOS emoji set on all the platforms supporting the app such as Windows Phone, Android and iOS.
As a consequence, starting from this latest 2.16.204 beta version of WhatsApp for Windows Phone, users will be able to use the iOS emoji set. This new option will make it much easier to communicate with cross-platform users. This new 2.16.204 Beta of WhatsApp for Windows Phone and Windows 10 is already available on the Windows Store, and can be downloaded by clicking this link.
That said, let’s give a brief look at European telecommunication’s scenario. In Europe, the growing expansion of internet services like WhatsApp and Skype is a real threat for the health of traditional telecommunications firms, and for this reason this week the European Commission intervened, recommending for services like Skype, WhatsApp and FaceTime – the so called OTT services (over-the-top) – tighter privacy and security.
Furthermore, with the introduction of this new directive, OTT services should be obliged to report breaches to authorities. Many EU telecoms firms aim for an equal treatment with OTT services, which instead currently don’t have the same accountability of other European telecom companies.
Let’s see how the situation will evolve. In the meantime, Jean-Claude Juncker, the Commission President, has proposed a package of interesting reforms that includes the promise to provide free wifi in every European village and every city by 2020. That’s what he said during his his annual State of the Union speech “We propose today to equip every European village and every city with free wireless internet access around the main centres of public life by 2020,”