Once again WhatsApp users risk to see their favourite instant messaging app banned in the UK. But why? Because it seems that encrypted services like iMessage and WhatsApp could be used by terrorists. That’s what Mr Andrew Parker (MI5 boss) believes, and therefore for this reason he strongly recommends to stop those services.
It seems that the UK is a terrorist target, and that the danger of attacks is the highest in 30 years. That’s what Mr Parker stated in an interview with BBC: “Encryption is creating a situation where law enforcement agencies and security agencies can no longer obtain under proper legal warrant the contents of communications between people they have reason to believe are terrorists. They are using secure apps and internet communication to try to broadcast their message and incite and direct terrorism amongst people who live here who are prepared to listen to their message.”
But Mr Parker is not the only one feeling this way. It seems he has an ally in David Cameron, who shares the same convinction and says that encrypted messaging could be easily used with threatening intentions. So, will we assist to the stop of WhatsApp and iMessage in the UK? It’s hard to say. Obviously, for now tech companies are reluctant to cooperate with the UK government and it seems that they are not completely wrong. In fact, according to experts, removing encryption could further weaken users’ security, easing the access to users messages to terrorists.
So, what will happen now? There is a good chance that a new controversial law called “Snoopers charter” will be applied. If applied, internet service providers and mobile phone companies should keep records of each user’s internet browsing and social media activity, voice calls, email correspondence and mobile phone messaging services, and should store the records for one year. If companies such as WhatsApp and iMessage decide not to follow the new rules, they may be banned in the UK.