WhatsApp for Android: latest 2.16.118 Beta version adds Quote and Replies feature

android 2 16 118 quote and repliesToday we are going to talk about the latest update of WhatsApp for Android devices. Among WhatsApp users, those who use this popular instant messaging app through Android devices are the majority, therefore it does not surprise if this is the version that receives most of the updates and before the other platforms. And the new 2.16.118 Beta version is very interesting, since it adds another useful feature much awaited by WhatsApp users. 2.16.118 APK file of WhatsApp for Android in fact adds message quotes and replies. But before explaining how this new feature works, we need to say that probably some of you have already found this option in older versions of WhatsApp for Android such as 2.16.116 and 117, so it might be a server-side switch.

So, let’s see how you can use this new message quotes and replies feature. The first thing you need to do is to select the message you want to reply to (it can be any message in any conversation, text or media, and one-on-one or group chat message). Once you’ve selected the message, you’ll see a Reply button at the top of the screen, just tap it and you’ll see the quoted message as a preview on top of the text entry box where you are typing your reply. Needless to say that if you change your mind you can remove the quote by simply tapping the x button. What happens after you’ve sent your reply? It will be visible inside the conversation with the quoted message attached on top of it. What’s really nice of this latest feature is, as we said above, that you can quote anything: text, video or picture.

How can you install this latest 2.16.118 Beta version on your Android device? If you are a beta tester, you can download it straight from the Google Play Store. If you are not yet a beta tester but wish to become one, just click on this page. The other solution is to download this latest 2.16.118 APK from the APK Mirror. In this case, remember to enable the “Unknown Sources” option. If you don’t see the update, you have to be patient and try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.