15 things you probably not know about WhatsApp. How to mute chat, hide photo profile, Backup message, Multiple messages.
1. Back up messages. WhatsApp makes automatic backups of conversations, but it might be safer that you run it manually. You wish to keep track of your conversations or prefer to delete them as soon as possible? On iOS just go to Settings> Chat> Chat Backup. On Android, you must go to Settings> Chat Settings to find the backup option. In the same position you can choose to backup the chat automatically selecting Off, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Subsequently connecting the Android smartphone to the PC, you can transfer media files, Videos, Photos, Pictures, Voice messages following the path sdcard/WhatsApp/Media
2. Your profile photo. you can manage the visibility of your profile photo, going to Settings> Account> Privacy> profile photo: at this point you can select “Everyone”, “My Contacts”, “Nobody”.
3. Hiding Last Login. If you prefer to hide your last access go to Account> Privacy> last access (or Last Senn). You can choose to make it visible to all, only to your contacts, or to nobody. Now you can select “Everyone”, “My Contacts”, “Nobody”. But pay attention, choosing not to share the last access with others, it’s possible you don’t see even that of your users.
4. Creating Links To Important Contacts. If you usually chat with a group or a particular person, you might decide to make it easier inserting all of shortcuts on the home, so to find them immediately. On Android, just long press on the group or user name that you want to create a link, then choose “create shortcut“. On iOS, you can do it only relying on an application but 1TapWA plays more or less the same functionality.
5. Multiple messages. Using the function List Broadcast you can send a message to multiple people without multiple activate a group chat, Chat-> Lists broadcast-> New List-> Select the names-select creation> Compose your message. In this way, you can send a chat with multiple partners, without letting the other members of the list know. Even the responses of others will not be viewed by those in the list, but only by those who sent the message. Only those having the sender’s number in the phone book will be able to receive messages.
6. Show media files individual contacts. Click on the conversation of the specific contact, click on its name at the top, then click Show All Media, in this way you can display only files exchanged with the user in question.
7. Share the chat. It is also possible to send the chat of a specific contact via email including the attachments or not. Again go to the user name at the top right of the chat, and choose the bottom option: “Send email conversation”. Choose if you want to include or not the attachments and insert the email to which you want to send it.
8. Change number. If you have changed your phone number, but still have the same smartphone, you do not need to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. There is a setting which allows you to migrate the account to a different phone number. In Whatsapp, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Change number. and follow the steps on the screen.
9. WhatsApp activating users icons on the Home. One of the best utility of Facebook Messenger is the possibility to have Chat Heads. It’s simply circles with the faces of our friends that give access to chat with them. Using WhatsApp Chat Heads you can obtain the same effect. This app also lets you customize the color of the led, notification sounds and colors of dots per contact. Su Ios you can have the same effect only after you run the jailbreak. Dashdow WhatsApp -Dashdow WhatsApp Plus
10. User Block. You can block someone from the user menu directly from the user’s chat, or through the settings (always account> privacy). From there you can not only view those already blocked, but also add new ones.
11. Notifications. Notifications can differ depending on the operating system. From the menu settings> notifications, you can choose to mute handle notifications of any advice received from the app. To silence the group chat click on the name of the conversation, and then keep it dormant for a maximum of 12 months.
12. Statistics use Whatsapp On Android. Downloading from the store WhatStat you will know all the statistics on how it is used WhatsApp on mobile.
13. Prevent the automatic downloading of images or video. Go to Settings -> Chat Settings -> save media received. You can then enable or disable the automatic saving of files received
14. Synchronizing contacts’ photos with those of Whatsapp. Through the application WhatsApp Contacts Photo Sync it is possible, on an Android phone, to synchronize contact photos with those used for Whatsapp. You will have to manually synchronize every single contact.
15. Creating fake conversations on Android. Yazzi. Enjoy to tease your friends. Yazzy is the perfect application to make jokes! With yazzy you can easily create invented conversations but identical to the originals.