What happened to the multi-ethnic emoji of WhatsApp?

emokiThe multi-ethnic emoji of WhatsApp are already very famous, and on the internet they are discussed quite often. Considering that WhatsApp is currently the most used instant messaging application, you can imagine how often the topic is discussed on various sites and blogs all over the world, and many users are eagerly awaiting this implementation.

Conversely many others are not aware about them, as these new emoticons have not yet been included into the official update on the Play Store. But why are these new emoji so discussed? The novelty consists in the addition of new options designed to give you the possibility to better express yourself. These new emojii in fact would include different shades of skin, women holding hands with other women and so on.

But right now you can only find on the Store the version 2.12.158, which does not have these new emoticons, while on the web version of the service they are already present. So, what happened? The multi-ethnic emoji were introduced just with the beta n. 2.12.161, while they were removed up to the the beta 2.12.176. But that was temporary.

In fact with the new beta 2.12.178 they have been reintroduced. Almost certainly it was a technical problem connected to the Android operating system, and probably they will be introduced permanently with a new update. iPhone users already have this service available and can choose the colour of their smilyes. So it seems that this time Apple has an advantage vs. Android.

But obviously also Android users hope that multi-ethnic emoji are finally introduced because they are extremely practical to express our moods, sometimes they are even better than words. In the meantime, if you use an Android device, while you wait that WhatsApp will provide this service also on Android rolling out a stable version available on the Play Store, you can start to use your fantasy with the beta version 2.12.178.