How to uninstall WhatsApp

How to uninstall WhatsAppWhatsApp Messenger,  known simply by the name of WhatsApp, is an instant messaging application that allows you to exchange messages, pictures and audio/video contents with your contacts avoiding the cost of text messages. Its huge success is certainly given by the great possibilities offered by this application. One of them, for example: multiple conversations bringing together the handiness of chat rooms and the reliability of text messages.

However, due to a continuous annoying texting, you could be forced to delete your account from that application. But what is the correct way to remove your account from WhatsApp? How can you proceed using the correct procedure? First of all make sure you have at hand a mobile phone with internet connection. To delete a WhatsApp Messenger account from an Android phone you will have to: open WhatsApp, open the “Settings” menu and then “delete my account”. Simply enter the phone number with the international area code (for example +44 for UK) and proceed with the removal.

To delete an account from an iPhone WhatsApp Messenger, you must ensure that you have installed on your iPhone the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger. Otherwise you’ll have to proceed with the installation of any available updates before completing the removal of your account. At this point, open WhatsApp, select “Settings”, then “chat settings” and then click on “delete my account”. Enter the phone number together with the international code and proceed with the deletion.

To delete a WhatsApp Messenger account from a BlackBerry, as for the iPhone, you must ensure that you have installed on your BlackBarry the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger. Otherwise, proceed with the installation of the available updates before completing the procedure. Open WhatsApp, select “settings” then “delete my account”. Enter the phone number (always with the international code too) and then complete the removal.

If you need to delete a WhatsApp Messenger account from a Nokia, you have to open WhatsApp, click “options”, then on “info”, “Account Info” and again on “options” and “delete account”. Again, enter the phone number with the international code too, then select “Continue” and “delete account”.

Warning: never forget! The elimination of the account is an irreversible process that will result in the loss of the entire message history and the elimination of all groups.