How to change your number on WhatsApp

How to change your number on WhatsAppEven if you usually try to avoid it, sometimes you have to change your telephone number. So if you use this famous app, maybe you need to know how to change the phone number. Many people believe that it is impossible to do something like this: in fact it was, but only over a year ago, when fortunately the mobile application developers have introduced a special feature very useful.

The possibility to change phone number on WhatsApp avoiding the creation of a new account is very important not only because this operation allows you to continue to enjoy without problems what you have already paid, but, most important, you will not lose your contacts and the messages sent and received. Acting on the settings of the profile, it will be possible to change the number associated with WhatsApp and continue to use the old profile. Using the following instructions you can make the switch without having to delete all conversations and losing contact.

Before you know how to change the number of WhatsApp, make sure you have correctly entered the new SIM card in your smartphone and make sure that the number you want to set has already been made active by the operator. This factor is essential, because the change is via a text message or a call received by WhatsApp. So, how do you change you phone number on WhatsApp? Let’s find out immediately.

1. Go in your account settings to WhatsApp. After doing the regular access to WhatsApp, whatever operating system you use (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.), press the button with the three dots generally displayed in the top right. In this way you can access the Settings app (with a special selection) and finally get into Account, third entry from the bottom up.

2. Enter the menu to change the number. If you are determined to proceed, before entering the final part and learn how to change the number of WhatsApp, among the three settings in the Account menu click Change number. This selection will be followed by a warning screen, where WhatsApp tells you just that all settings of your current account (groups of conversations and other data) will be imported to the new phone number, but will continue to be displayed in the smartphone in use. Clicking ok (click Next), you’ll accept what has just been described.

3. How to change number of WhatsApp definitely. Here we are, finally, the fundamental step to understand how to change the number of WhatsApp. In the first screen you will be asked to enter at the top your old number and the new one using similar formatting. Click Next and proceed with the confirmation via text message.

4. Confirmation of the new number via text message. At this point, you just need to wait for confirmation of the new number. Now you will receive another text message, which will be followed by the enabling of the required number: you will have the confirmation of the change with the automatic opening of a pop-up within WhatsApp, where you’ll be informed that “your phone number has been changed successfully #Old number # to #New number #”.

Got It! At this point the phone number on WhatsApp has been changed and you can continue to use the application with the new number without losing subscription, contacts and conversations. Note that the team of the app messaging does not recommended to change frequently your number as this could create problems during the verification process. This new feature is very useful if, for example, you go abroad and want to associate your new number with the application.

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