Whatsapp for HTC

Whatsapp can be downloaded on both Windows and Android devices. You can download Whatsapp directly if your phone runs on Android version 2.1 or greater; the device should also have a storage capacity of about 20MB.
Whatsapp for HTC wildfireHTC devices running on Windows require Windows Phone version 7.5 or greater. The phone should have a storage capacity of at least 16MB. Whatsapp for both Windows and Android devices can be downloaded free for the first year. After the first year, users are required to pay an annual service charge of about $1.
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Whatsapp for HTC can easily be installed directly from Google Play Store or Whatsapp website. When you are installing Whatsapp, the app will request for your phone number verification. This operation can only be completed, if the SIM is active and not previously linked to another Whatsapp account.

Installing Whatsapp on HTC Desire
HTC Desire is an amazing phone with remarkable features and capabilities. The phone supports both 3G and 2G networks. The phone comes with a standard 4GB memory that can be upgraded to 32GB. The Other interesting features include a 5 MP camera with LED flash. The phone supports Android Operating system version 2.1 and 2.2. You can download a free Whatsapp application for HTC desire via Google Play, through the following steps:

1. Connect your phone to the internet, then go to the menu or home screen of your HTC Desire phone and select the Google Play Store icon.
2. Search for Whatsapp for HTC Desire, and install the file.
3. Next, enter your phone number and country details.
4. Complete your Whatsapp registration and enjoy communicating with friends and family.

Installing Whatsapp from the website
1. Using your HTC Desire, go to “Settings” then select applications and check the “Unknown sources”.
2. Go to the Whatsapp Android page from your phone or computer.
3. Download APK using the command button “Download Now”. If you are installing Whatsapp via your computer, you can email yourself the APK via Google’s Gmail and install the file from there. On the other hand, if you are installing Whatsapp via your HTC Desire device, you can search the APK file from your file browser and then install.

Installing Whatsapp on HTC One
If you have a good HTC One phone you can download a free Whatsapp application with no hidden cost. The application will allow you to have conversations with family and friends, without paying any extra international charges. Once you are registered, you do not have to remember your name or password since the log in and log out function are can be overlooked.


The first thing you need to do before installation is check your system for compatibility. Verification can be done via the “Settings” command. Installation, on the other hand, can be done via the HTC One phone or PC. The procedure for installing Whatsapp via Google Play on your HTC One is as follows:
1. To install Whatsapp for free on your HTC One smartphone, go directly to Google Play store and locate the file.
2. Next, specify your phone number and name of your country.
3. Register your profile with Whatsapp

Installing Whatsapp on Wildfire
This High-end, HTC phone comes with a 512 MB built-in memory, a screen resolution of 240 x 320 and a rear view camera with a resolution of 5 Megapixel. The touchscreen on HTC Wildfire measures an impressive 3.2 inches. HTC Wildfire runs on a Qualcomm processor and supports Android 2.1 Éclair operating system. Like most HTC phones, HTC Wildfire, is supported by Whatsapp. Before the installation exercise is undertaken, it is important to first check the system for compatibility. You can verify this by going to “Settings”. Next, choose About the Phone and select the Android version. The procedure for installing Whatsapp via Google Play on your HTC Wildfire is as follows:

1. Connect the phone to the internet, then go to Google Play and download the Whatsapp file. The file can also be accessed on Whatsapp website. To download Whatsapp, you will have to allow the system to load the file by changing the security settings.
2. Once the download is complete, open the Whatsapp file and accept the terms of service.
3. Next, verify your phone number.
4. Next, register your name; the name can still be changed via user profile. If your Whatsapp file does not function properly, you can uninstall and re-install it afresh by repeating the process.

See also:

Whatsapp for HTC Wildfire, Desire, Chacha and HD2

Whatsapp for HTC The HTC Wildfire, Desire, Chacha and HD2 are all phones from HTC that have been around for a while.

In fact, most of these phones have been our nearly five years now, which is on the older side when it comes to mobile devices and the speed of which technology continues to evolve.

Due to this, the devices are not going to run all of the latest applications that require an extensive amount of processing speed to function. This, however, does not mean it is not possible to use WhatsApp for the different phones. All of these options do run a version of Android, and WhatsApp is able to function on these operating systems. Thankfully, it is not graphic driven and does not require extensive processing power to work. However, with this being said, it is still important to update the phone as far as it possibly can go before moving ahead with the installation of the application.

For starters, it is necessary to update the mobile device and its operating system to its maximum level. In order to do this, you need to select the “System” icon and go into the “Settings” on the phone.

When you scroll through this section you are going to come to an “About Device” option and then, inside of this field, you can have it search for available updates. It is a good idea for you to connect to a Wi-Fi signal before you do this because if you do have an update, it is likely going to be a few hundred megabytes and you do not want it taking away from your available data. If there is an update available, allow it to download and install. This may take anywhere from a few minutes all the way to a half an hour.

These devices are on the older side so it does not connect to a super fast data stream, which in turn is going to slow down the download speed and force you to wait for this to finish. Due to this, you should wait to perform the update until you know you do not need the phone for a little bit.

Now that your device is up to date (at least as far as it is going to go), you can begin with the WhatsApp installation on your HTC phone. To do this, select the “Google Play” icon and then type in “WhatsApp” into the search field. This is going to bring up the application, which you need to select to download. It is not going to require you to purchase anything so it should download automatically. After it has finished downloading and installing on the device you justness to bring it up in on your phone. Depending on the version of Android your phone is now running you may not receive the automatic desktop icon shortcut. If this happens you should select the “Apps” option and then scroll through it until you locate WhatsApp (it is going to be located towards the end of your application selection options).

Once you have selected the application it is going to begin to run through its setup process. You do need to type in the phone number you have on the device in order to associate the number with your new account. From here, you are able to have the application search through your current saved contacts in order to see if anyone has the application and is using it. If someone is, the application is going to automatically save their contact information into the app.

After this has happened you are able to send everyone who does not have the application a text message telling them they should sign up. Now, if you have a limited number of text messages on your mobile plan this may be something you want to avoid for the time being, as sending out a few hundred messages may eat up your monthly messages rather quickly.
HTC Wildfire
Now that the application is installed and running on your HTC Wildfire, Desire, Chacha or HD2, you are able to begin using the application. It does work just like most other text messaging services, only with this one you are able to send international messages without receiving any sort of fee, and it does not count towards your text message total (although it is going to require data, so if you are on a limited amount of data you should make sure to be connected to a Wi-Fi signal before sending and opening messages).

See also: